Harmonic Drive LLC | 42 Dunham Ridge, Beverly, MA 01915 | 800-921-3332
Harmonic Drive and Harmonic Planetary are registered trademarks of Harmonic Drive LLC.

HPN Value Series

HPN Harmonic Planetary® value series provides a low cost solution without the need to compromise on quality or performance. The HPN Series features helical gears for High –Torque, quiet performance and long life. Backlash of <5 arc minutes (for single stage) is maintained for the life of the gear. Large radial ball bearings support the output shaft for high load capacity. HPN Harmonic Planetary® gears are available with a smooth output shaft or a shaft with a key and tapped center hole. The HPN gearheads are available with short lead times and are designed to couple to any servo motor with our Quick Connect® coupling. This new value series of planetary gears carry the reputation for quality and reliability for which Harmonic Drive® products are known throughout the world.

  • Helical Gearing
  • Available in 5 Frame Sizes
  • Peak torque: 9Nm to 752Nm
  • Ratios, 3:1 to 50:1
  • High Efficiency
  • Backlash <5 arc-min (single stage) ,<7 arc-min (two stage)
  • Fast Delivery
  • Shaft output available with key and center tapped hole or with center tapped hole

NEW! Right Angle HPNRight Angle Planetary

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Ordering Code Ratio Rated Torque L50 Limit for Repeated Peak Torque Limit for Momentary Peak Torque Max. Input Speed
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HPN-11A-4 04 14 14 40 10,000
HPN-11A-5 05 14 16 40 10,000
HPN-11A-7 07 11 11 40 10,000
HPN-11A-10 10 9 9 40 10,000
HPN-11A-15 15 18 24 40 10,000
HPN-11A-16 16 18 24 40 10,000
HPN-11A-20 20 22 24 40 10,000
HPN-11A-25 25 20 24 40 10,000
HPN-11A-30 30 25 26 40 10,000
HPN-11A-35 35 26 26 40 10,000
HPN-11A-40 40 26 26 40 10,000
HPN-11A-45 45 26 26 40 10,000
HPN-11A-50 50 26 26 40 10,000
HPN-14A-3 03 22 25 89 6,000
HPN-14A-4 04 28 50 110 6,000
HPN-14A-5 05 29 50 107 6,000
HPN-14A-7 07 30 37 100 6,000
HPN-14A-10 10 18 18 79 6,000
HPN-14A-13 13 30 43 106 6,000
HPN-14A-15 15 30 43 97 6,000
HPN-14A-20 20 30 49 100 6,000
HPN-14A-21 21 30 50 99 6,000
HPN-14A-25 25 30 38 102 6,000
HPN-14A-30 30 40 48 98 6,000
HPN-14A-31 31 30 38 101 6,000
HPN-14A-35 35 40 49 99 6,000
HPN-14A-40 40 30 38 100 6,000
HPN-14A-45 45 30 38 100 6,000
HPN-14A-50 50 26 26 94 6,000
HPN-20A-3 03 51 75 226 6,000
HPN-20A-4 04 80 130 256 6,000
HPN-20A-5 05 80 149 256 6,000
HPN-20A-7 07 80 113 256 6,000
HPN-20A-10 10 54 54 216 6,000
HPN-20A-13 13 80 130 256 6,000
HPN-20A-15 15 80 129 256 6,000
HPN-20A-20 20 80 147 256 6,000
HPN-20A-21 21 80 147 256 6,000
HPN-20A-25 25 80 114 256 6,000
HPN-20A-30 30 80 139 250 6,000
HPN-20A-31 31 80 113 256 6,000
HPN-20A-35 35 80 112 256 6,000
HPN-20A-40 40 80 112 256 6,000
HPN-20A-45 45 80 112 256 6,000
HPN-20A-50 50 75 75 216 6,000
HPN-32A-3 03 153 254 625 6,000
HPN-32A-4 04 198 376 625 6,000
HPN-32A-5 05 200 376 625 6,000
HPN-32A-7 07 200 376 625 6,000
HPN-32A-10 10 185 185 625 6,000
HPN-32A-13 13 200 376 625 6,000
HPN-32A-15 15 376 625 6,000
HPN-32A-20 20 376 625 6,000
HPN-32A-21 21 200 376 625 6,000
HPN-32A-25 25 376 625 6,000
HPN-32A-30 30 376 625 6,000
HPN-32A-31 31 200 376 625 6,000
HPN-32A-35 35 376 625 6,000
HPN-32A-40 40 376 625 6,000
HPN-32A-45 45 376 625 6,000
HPN-32A-50 50 251 625 6,000
HPN-40A-3 03 440 752 1,137 6,000
HPN-40A-4 04 460 752 1,265 6,000
HPN-40A-5 05 480 752 1,265 6,000
HPN-40A-7 07 510 752 829 6,000
HPN-40A-10 10 480 509 829 6,000
HPN-40A-13 13 530 752 823 6,000
HPN-40A-15 15 752 1,265 6,000
HPN-40A-20 20 752 1,265 6,000
HPN-40A-21 21 620 752 1,029 6,000
HPN-40A-25 25 752 1,127 6,000
HPN-40A-30 30 752 1,265 6,000
HPN-40A-31 31 700 752 1,097 6,000
HPN-40A-35 35 752 1,127 6,000
HPN-40A-40 40 752 1,127 6,000
HPN-40A-45 45 752 1,127 6,000
HPN-40A-50 50 562 1,162 6,000


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Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm EST
Monday through Friday